Born on January 11, 1949 in the village of Leshinovo, Penza region. In 1966, after graduating from high school with honors, he entered the Kuibyshev Medical Institute named after D. I. Ulyanov at the faculty of medicine and prevention. From this moment on, all of Gennady Petrovich’s educational and work activities are inextricably connected with the Medical University – from a student and a resident to the head of the Department and the rector of the University.
During his studies, G. P. Kotel’nikov was elected Chairman of the student Trade Union Committee and Secretary of the Institute’s Komsomol Committee. As an assistant, at the same time he was in charge of the polyclinic unit of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics, headed the Dean’s office of the faculty of medicine. In 1984, he was elected Secretary of the Institute’s party Committee and served in this position until 1989. In 1989, G. P. Kotel’nikov was appointed Vice-rector for educational work of the Institute.
In 1998, he became the head of Samara state Medical University.
After taking over the University, G. P. Kotel’nikov could not only preserve the University and clinics as a single educational, medical and scientific institution, but also over the following years turned SamSMU into one of the best universities in the first TOP 50 in the Russian Federation.
The name of G. P. Kotel’nikov is associated with the discovery on the basis of the Samara State Medical University’s new research institutes and faculties, centres, surgery and transplantation, innovative divisions of the Institute of innovative development, breakthrough research centre «Information technologies in medicine», scientific-production Technopark, international research and innovation laboratories.
In 2003, 2008 and 2013, the University staff showed well-deserved confidence and unanimously re-elected G. P. Kotel’nikov to the post of rector.
In 2019, Gennady Petrovich became the first President and honorary rector of his native University.
- P. Kotelnikov made a significant contribution to the development of Russian traumatology and orthopedics. In 2002, he became a corresponding member, 2005 academician of RAMS, in 2013 — academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Since 2003, he has been the head of the Department and clinic of traumatology, orthopedics and extreme surgery named after academician A. F. Krasnov.
The main directions of scientific activity are: improvement of methods of diagnostics and treatment of destructive-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system; optimization of diagnostic and therapeutic measures for post-traumatic joint instability; development of the problem of tendon and muscle plasty in traumatology and orthopedics; development of the concept of traumatic disease; research on the use of gravity therapy in traumatology and surgery; study of osteoporosis; development of methods of system analysis, mathematical modeling and evidence in medicine.
In 1997, G. P. Kotel’nikov was awarded the state prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for the development and implementation of tendon and muscle plasty, a new scientific and practical direction in the rehabilitation system of orthopedic and traumatological patients.
For the development of a fundamentally new direction in medicine – gravity therapy, Gennady Petrovich became a laureate of the Russian Government award and a winner of the national award «Vocation».
Author of more than 890 scientific works, including: monographs — 21, textbooks for students and postgraduate training of doctors-12, manuals for doctors and students-15, as well as 17 monothematic collections of scientific papers, 16 manuals and 16 guidelines. Co-author of the National guidelines for doctors «Traumatology» and «Orthopedics». The author of the 122 inventions.
Gennady Petrovich Kotel’nikov is the founder of the modern scientific and pedagogical school of traumatologists and orthopedists. They have trained 80 students, including 25 doctors and 55 candidates of science.
- P. Kotel’nikov-Vice-President of the Association of traumatologists and orthopedists of the Russian Federation since 1991, Chairman of the Council of rectors of Samara region universities since 1999, founder of the Council of rectors of medical and pharmaceutical universities of Russia (Chairman-from 2007 to 2014, Deputy Chairman – since 2014), member of the Board of the Russian Union of rectors from 2002 to 2014, member of the Council of the Russian Union of rectors since 2014, member of the Interdepartmental Council for awarding prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology since 2008, member of the Supreme Council of the all-Russian political party «United Russia» since 2012 to 2018, member of the Collegium of the Ministry of health of Russia since 2012, member of the Presidium of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of health of Russia since 2013, member of the coordination Council for the development of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education of the Ministry of health of Russia in 2013, Chairman of the Department of the Central attestation Commission of the Ministry of health of Russia in the Volga Federal district since 2013, member of the coordinating Council of educational-methodological associations in the field of health and medical Sciences of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation since 2014, member of the Board at Ministry of health of Russia on transition to the accreditation specialist of 2014, the chief expert – traumatologist-orthopedist of the Ministry of health of Samara region until 2018, the Chairman of the dissertation Council.
In the 2004 Presidential election, G. P. Kotel’nikov was a confidant of V. V. Putin.
In 2011, he was elected to the Samara Provincial Duma. He worked as a Deputy Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma, leader of the «UNITED RUSSIA» party, and head of the Committee on education and science.
On October 23, 2018, G. P. Kotel’nikov was unanimously elected Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma. Currently, he is a member of the Council of legislators of the Russian Federation under the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
The large-scale activity of G. P. Kotel’nikov as a well-known scientist, a major organizer of higher education, an authoritative public and political figure has been awarded high state awards, including:
Order «For merits to the Fatherland «of the IV degree (2008), order of Honor (2004), order of Friendship (1996), badge of distinction «For mentoring» (number 001, 2018), honorary title of Honored scientist of the Russian Federation (1999), State prize of the Russian Federation in science and technology (1997), award of the Government of the Russian Federation in education (1999), award of the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology (2006), award of the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology (2018), commendations and honorary certificates of the President of the Russian Federation (2002, 2004, 2019), Honorary badges of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation «For services to the development of parliamentarism» (2019).
Gennady Petrovich was awarded numerous public awards, including:
National award to the best doctors of Russia «Vocation» (2003, 2004), first prize of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, N. N. Priorov medal «For contribution to the development of traumatology and orthopedics» (2005), order of Hippocrates (2008), order of Nikolai Pirogov (2010), honorary badge of the Governor of the Penza region «For the glory of the land of Penza» (2003), order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree (2004), honorary doctor of the National medical and surgical Center named after. N. I. Pirogov (2014), honorary doctor of Samara University (2018).
Departmental awards include:
the medal of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation «For services to the national health» (2014), the medal of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation «For strengthening military cooperation» (2002), the medal of the Federal drug control service of the Russian Federation «For assistance to drug control authorities» (2013).
Among the regional awards:
honorary badge of the Governor of the Samara region «For work for the benefit of the Samara land» (2005), badge «For merits to the Samara region» (2009), winner of the Provincial prize (2005), laureate of the prize of the Governor of the Samara region (2007).
In 2013, Gennady Petrovich was awarded the title «Honorary citizen of Samara region».