
The journal «Public Law Today» is intended to serve the Russian public law science, aimed at familiarizing a wide range of readers with the results of public law research. On the pages of the journal, you will be able to read articles by representatives of the scientific community, as well as prominent figures of medicine and legal practitioners in such public law areas as:  administrative, constitutional, criminal, land, environmental, municipal, financial, tax, medical, etc. The journal contains reviews of scientific works on public law and unique interviews with famous scientists and statesmen.

The journal «Public Law Today» is:

— topical problems of legal medicine and judicial practice;

— explanation of modern issues of public law;

— coverage of legal regulation of the public administration system;

— history of public law science and foreign experience;

— creativity of young scientists;

— current issues of mediation (pre-trial and out-of-court consideration of public law cases);

— key events of scientific life.

The journal also contains headings devoted to rule-making, law enforcement, jurisdiction, novelties in legislation, the history of public law and public law science, foreign experience; issues of teaching law, key events of scientific life (conferences, round tables, dissertation research), personalities, reviews of current publications.

The publication is intended both for certified lawyers and for those who are still preparing to take the first steps in the profession: bachelors, undergraduates, postgraduates studying at law schools and law faculties of universities.  The materials published in the journal will certainly be useful and interesting for law enforcement officers; representatives of the scientific community; specialists in the field of legal medicine; heads of the healthcare sector and government agencies, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in current legal issues.



    Contact information

    34 Lavochkina St., Moscow, 125581