Born on March 6, 1959 in Saratov. In 1976, he graduated from secondary school No. 45 in Saratov. 1977-1979 — service in the Soviet Army. 1979-1983 training at the investigator and criminalist training faculty of the Saratov law Institute named after D. I. Kursky, majoring in law.
After graduating from the Saratov law Institute from 1983 to 1993, he served in the internal Affairs bodies as an investigator and senior investigator.
1993-1996 training at the adjunct Academy of management of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, as a result of which in 1996 he defended his PhD thesis on the specialty 12.00.02 on the topic: «Problems and prospects of administrative jurisdiction of the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation». Scientific supervisor: doctor of law, Professor Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation I. I. Veremeenko.
1996-2000-senior lecturer at the Saratov law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia.
From January 2000 to the present, he has been working at the Saratov state law Academy.
2008-2011-doctoral studies at the Saratov state law Academy, Department of administrative and municipal law.
October 17, 2011 on the basis of the thesis «Administrative and legal regulation of joint jurisdiction and powers of the Russian Federation and subjects of Russia» specialty 12.00.14 – administrative law; financial law; informational law at the dissertation Council D 212.239.02 of the «SSLA» was awarded the degree of doctor of law. Scientific consultant-doctor of law, Professor, honored scientist of the RSFSR V. M. Manokhin.
From September 2012 to the present time, Professor of the Department of administrative and municipal law of the Saratov state law academy. More than 70 scientific and educational works have been prepared and published, including 8 monographs, 28 articles published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications included in the list of the Russian Higher Attestation Commission.
Research materials were used in the preparation of draft regulations: the Federal law «On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation» in (2006-2007), the Law of the Saratov region «On culture» (2009); regional target programs: «Development of local self-government in the Saratov region for 2006-2008», «Development of local self-government in the Saratov region for 2009-2012», when discussing the draft Federal law «On police» at the meeting of representatives of the Federal subjects of the Volga Federal district (Ulyanovsk, August 25, 2010), etc. Scientific and practical results of scientific work are reflected in the course of implementation in 2008-2010 of scientific projects of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (RGNF) No. 07-03-00455a and No. 08-03-00418a.
Marital status: married.