Editor of the English language of the journal «Public law today»
Irina I. Chironova, Cand. of Philology, Professor, head of the Department of English for Humanities of the Department of foreign languages of the Higher School of Economics. Teaching experience-more than 20 years. She teaches the subjects «Legal English», «Academic writing in English», «Research Methods in intercultural communication», «Intercultural business communication». Research and teaching interests include comparative analysis of legal systems and legal terminology in Russian and English, problems of translation and cross-cultural communication, discursive analysis of political texts, including research in the field of metaphor. She has published more than 40 scientific papers, is a co-author and executive editor of the textbook » English for lawyers «(Moscow, URAIT publishing house), which has been reissued annually since 2011 and won the publishing house’s competition in the «Choice of universities» category. Member of the International Association for languages and Intercultural communication (IALIC), honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.
List of scientific papers
- Chironova I. I., Burimskaya D. V., Popkova E. M., Pleshakova T. V., Solovyova I. V. ENGLISH FOR LAWYERS 2nd ed., revised and add. Textbook and manual for practical work for secondary vocational education / Head.: I. I. Chironova; ed.: I. I. Chironova. M.: URAIT, 2017.
- Chironova I. I., Kuzmina E. V. English for journalists: Mastering English for Journalism: textbook for academic baccalaureate. Moscow: URAIT, 2017.
- Chironova I. I. The role of dominant cultural ideas in Russian translation tradition // SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation. 2016. Vol. 10. No. 2. P. 16-28.
- Chironova I. I. What does the name mean: a metaphorical image of Russian education / / Philological Sciences in MGIMO. 2016. Vol. 7. Pp. 69-84.
- Chironova I. I. Literalism in translation: evil to be avoided or unavoidable reality? // SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation. 2014. Vol. 7. No. 1. P. 28-40.
- Chironova I. I. national specifics of the concept of «power» in Russian and English language cultures // Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 19: Linguistics and intercultural communication. 2014. no. 4. Pp. 48-56.
- Kuznetsova L. V., Chironova I. I., Parfenova L. English for lawyers: Textbook. Rostov-on-Don : 2013.
- Chironova I. I. Cognitive structure of the concept «Power» in Russian and English political discourses // Law and politics. 2013. no. 12. Pp. 1720-1730.
- Chironova I. I. Cultural determinism of intercultural communication as a translation problem // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. № 12.
- Chironova I. I. Types of lexical relationships of legal terms in English and Russian: translation aspect // Theory and practice of translation. 2013. no. 2 (15). Pp. 42-47.
- Chironova I. Cultural dominance and a measure of the accuracy of the translation // In: Current problems of English linguistics and linguodidactics, Issue 11, Moscow: National book center, 2012, Pp. 231-242.
- Chironova I. I. English-Russian explanatory legal dictionary. Civil law, Moscow: Sputnik+, 2009.
- Chironova I. I. Comparative analysis of the terminological field «contract law» in English and Russian // In: Philological Sciences in MGIMO: Collection of scientific papers Vol. 38 (53). Moscow : MGIMO-University, 2009.Pp. 120-132.
- Chironova I. I. Term System «forms of business activity» in English and Russian languages and methods of its translation. // Foreign languages in higher education. 2009. no. 3 (10). Pp. 76-85.
- Chironova I. I. State-legal structure of the USA and Great Britain. Educational English-Russian linguo-cultural dictionary. Moscow: Sputnik+, 2008.
- Chironova I. I. Comparative analysis of legal terms in English and Russian: opportunities and prospects. // Questions of philological Sciences. 2007. # 6 (29). Pp. 126-132.
- Theoretical foundations for the analysis of legal terminology // Modern humanitarian research. 2007. No. 6. S. 142-148.
Achievements and rewards
- Diploma of Honor of the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation (June 2006)
- Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation (November 2012)