Zelentsov Alexander Borisovich

Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of administrative and financial law, RUDN, doctor of law, Professor (Moscow)

Zelentsov Alexander Borisovich

Born in 1951

Doctor of law, Professor

Honorary worker of higher professional education

Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation

Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation (since 2004)


Graduated from the faculty of Economics and law of Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University with a degree in international law, qualification «lawyer».

Postgraduate education:

In 1981, he defended his Cand. of Law degree thesis on «Historicism in the bourgeois philosophy of law in Latin America» at the RUDN. In 2005, he defended his doctoral dissertation on «Theoretical problems of legal dispute» in two specialties: 12.00.01-theory and history of state and law, 12.00.14-administrative law, administrative process, information law

Under the scientific guidance and scientific advice of A. B. Zelentsov 36 Cand. of Law degree theses and 5 doctoral theses were defended.


1981-1983-assistant Professor, Department of theory and history of state and law, RUDN;

1975-1976-business trip to the Republic of Cuba

1983-1985-senior lecturer, associate Professor at the Institute of social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU;

1985-1990-teacher, head of the group of teachers-consultants at the Higher party school of the Central Committee of the MPLA-PT (Republic of Angola);

1991-1996-associate Professor of the Department of theory and history of state and law, RUDN;

1995-1996-Deputy. Dean of the faculty of law of the Russian Academy of Sciences for research;

1996-under the leadership of A. B. Zelentsov, the Department of constitutional, administrative and financial law was established at RUDN, which he headed until 2003. After its division, A. B. Zelentsov was elected head of the newly formed Department of administrative and financial law.

Since 2010-Vice-President of the Eurasian Academy of administrative Sciences

2009-2012 Chairman of the dissertation Council D212. 203. 29 at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

2009-2013 Chairman of the State Attestation Commission at the Academic law Institute at the Institute of state and law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2015-2018 Chairman of the State Attestation Commission in RANEPA (Russian Academy of national economy and public administration) and Institute of social management problems.

Research interests: administrative law of Russia and foreign countries, theoretical problems of administrative justice, legal conflictology, administrative and legal conflicts in public administration.

Author of more than 150 publications, including 12 monographs, 14 textbooks and manuals (five of them are co-authored)

Among the most famous:

  1. Conflicts in management and conflict management (experience in a comprehensive study of the subject and forms of administrative jurisdiction). Monograph. Moscow publishing house of RUDN, 2000.
  2. Administrative-legal dispute: Questions of theory. M. RUDN. 2005. Second edition: M. 2009.
  3. Administrative justice in Russia: history and modernity. Moscow: Russian Academy of justice. 2002 (co-authored by V. I. Radchenko)
  4. Administrative justice. Common part. Theory of judicial administrative law: textbook. manual. M.: UNITY-DANA. 2015
  5. Judicial administrative law: Textbook. M: The Statute. 2017. (Co-authored with O. A. Yastrebov)

Member of the Academic Council of the RUDN Law Institute; member of three Dissertation councils on legal Sciences at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Member of editorial boards:

Journal «Bulletin of Surgut state University»

Bulletin of the Eurasian Academy of administrative Sciences — editorial Board;

Bulletin of the all-Russian Institute for advanced training of employees of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia-editorial Board

Speaks Spanish and Portuguese

Awarded the medal «In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow», a memorial badge of the Russian Ministry of internal Affairs




Contact information

34 Lavochkina St., Moscow, 125581
