Kudryavtseva Elena Vasilievna

She was born in Moscow. Graduated with honors from the Law Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1982. From 1982 to 1986 she studied at the full-time graduate school of the Faculty of Law. She defended her Ph.D. thesis on «Judgment in English Civil Procedure» at Moscow State University in 1986. Has been working at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University since 1996. In October 2008 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Modern reform of the English civil procedure

He is an arbitrator of the ICAC at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (included in the lists of arbitrators in international commercial disputes and internal disputes).

She was elected as a national expert in the field of law within the framework of a joint two-year project of the European Union and the Council of Europe «Introduction of the appeal procedure for the review of judicial decisions in the Russian Federation» (2012-2013).

Member of the working group on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation on the judicial system and procedural legislation, created by the Order of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2018 No. 415.

Member of the NCC on International Law under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 33 dated March 3, 2020 No.

Expert in legal sciences of the Expert Council of Moscow University. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Federal Notary Chamber.

Member of the Dissertation Council D 12.01 at Lomonosov Moscow State University (specialties 12.00.05, 12.00.06, 12.00.15), D 12.05 at Lomonosov Moscow State University (specialties 12.00.04, 12.00. 11, 12.00.13), dissertation council D 002.002.06 at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (specialties 12.00.03 and 12.00.15), dissertation council on law of the Higher School of Economics.

Member of the editorial board of the journals Bulletin of Civil Procedure, Legislation, Gaps in Russian Legislation, Socio-Political Science. Member of the editorial board of the journal «Russian Law Journal» and the Polish journal «Acta Iuris Stetinensis» (University of Szczecin), «Problems of Economics and Legal Practice».

He reads a general course on Russian civil procedure, as well as special courses in a magistracy: “Civil Procedure of Foreign Countries”, “Simplified Forms of Legal Proceedings”, “International Commercial Arbitration and Arbitration”.

Author of over 120 publications, including the monographs «Judgment in English Civil Procedure», M., 1998, «Civil Procedure of England», M., 2008, «How to Write a Judgment» M., 2016. 4-ed. (co-authored), as well as chapters in textbooks on civil procedure, arbitration process, administrative proceedings, alternative dispute resolution, legal foundations of notarial activity in the Russian Federation, comments on the RSFSR Code of Civil Procedure and the RF Code of Civil Procedure, the RF APC, Federal Law «On Enforcement Proceedings», Fundamentals of Legislation on notaries, Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, etc.

Information about the scientific activity of EV Kudryavtseva in the «TRUTH» system.


Contact information

34 Lavochkina St., Moscow, 125581
