Начальник научно-организационного управления ФГБУ «Российская академия наук», д.ю.н., профессор (Москва)
Isaenkova Oksana Vladimirovna
Директор юридического института правового администрирования СГЮА, заведующая кафедрой гражданского процесса Саратовской государственной юридической академии, д.ю.н., профессор (Саратов)
Kremnev Pyotr Petrovich
Профессор кафедры международного права юридического факультета Московского государственного университета им М.В. Ломоносова, д.ю.н., профессор (Москва)
Kononov Pavel Ivanovich
Судья Второго арбитражного апелляционного суда, д.ю.н., профессор (г. Киров).
Zyryanov Sergey Mikhailovich
Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of administrative and financial law, RUDN, doctor of law, Professor (Moscow) Zelentsov Alexander Borisovich Born in 1951 Doctor of law, Professor Honorary worker of higher professional education Honored lawyer of…
Zelentsov Alexander Borisovich
Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of administrative and financial law, RUDN, doctor of law, Professor (Moscow) Zelentsov Alexander Borisovich Born in 1951 Doctor of law, Professor Honorary worker of higher professional education Honored lawyer of…
Zapolsky Sergey Vasilyevich
Vice-rector of the State University of Management. Doctor of Economics, Professor Education: South Ural state University, qualification: economist-Manager, specialty: «Economics and management at enterprises (in construction)», 1998 Academic degree, title, awards: Doctor of Economics, Professor. Rewards: Diploma of the Ministry…
Zankovsky Sergey Sergeyevich
Заведующий сектором предпринимательского права ФГБУН Института государства и права РАН, д. ю.н., профессор (Москва).
Goncharenko Ilya Arnoldovich
Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law of MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Vershilo Nikolay Dmitrievich
Professor of the Department of land and environmental law of the Russian state University of Justice, Doctor of law, associate Professor (Moscow). Vershilo N. D. Graduated from the Saratov law Institute named after D. I. Kursky. In 1999, he defended…