Nikitin Sergey Vasilievich

Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and Administrative Procedure of the Russian State University of Justice.

He is a member of the International Association for Procedural Law and the International Association for Judicial Independence (JIWP).

He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Scientific Advisory Councils of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District and the Second Cassation Court.

Born on March 16, 1956 in Angarsk, Irkutsk Region.

In 1979 he graduated with honors from the law faculty of Irkutsk State University. From 1979 to 1985 he taught at the Department of Civil Law and Process of the University.

In 1981 he entered the full-time postgraduate study of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, where in 1983, under the guidance of Professor K.S. Yudelson defended his Ph.D. thesis ahead of schedule on the topic: «Theoretical Foundations of Establishing the Reliability of Written Evidence in Civil Procedure».

In 1985 he was invited to work at the Tyumen State University as an associate professor and head of the department of judicial law, took part in the formation and development of the university’s law faculty.

In 1995, he received an invitation from the Governor of the Irkutsk region to work in the regional administration as deputy director for scientific and legislative work of the State Institute of Regional Legislation.

He took part in the preparation of a number of draft federal and regional laws, led creative teams for the preparation of the Charter of the Tyumen Region, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, treaties and agreements on the delimitation of jurisdictions and powers between federal and regional government bodies.

For participation in the preparation of draft laws of the Irkutsk region, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Governor of the region.

In 1998 S.V. Nikitin was awarded the honorary title «Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation».

In connection with the move to Moscow from 2000 to 2001, he occupied the position of a consultant to the Property Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

From 2001 to 2018 he worked as Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Affairs of the Russian State University of Justice.

2007 — present — Head of the Department of Civil and Administrative Judicial Proceedings of the Russian State University of Justice.

In 2010 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Law on the topic «Judicial control in civil procedure and arbitration process: issues of theory and practice.»

Research interests — theory of forensic evidence, bankruptcy legislation, judicial control over the legality of regulatory legal acts. Author of over 100 scientific works published in Russian and foreign publications, including monographs, textbooks, scientific and practical comments on procedural legislation.

S.V. Nikitin takes an active part in the work of the bodies of the judicial community.

From 2007 to 2015, he was a member of the Higher Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Russian Federation.

For his services to the judicial system, he was awarded the title of «Honorary Worker of the Judicial System», awarded with a certificate of honor of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation.

For merits in scientific and pedagogical activities and a great contribution to the training of qualified specialists for the judiciary, he was awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, the gratitude of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

For merits in the field of public and state life, he was awarded the Patriarchal Diploma of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II (2004), the Certificate of Honor of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District and other awards.


Contact information

34 Lavochkina St., Moscow, 125581