Vladimir Yu. Yakovlev

Layout and artwork


Basic education:

from 1969 to 1974 – Moscow Aviation technological Institute named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky (radio-electronic faculty);

from 1980 to 1984 – all-Union Correspondence University of Arts (easel painting, drawing)

Additional education:

advanced training courses at the Moscow University of printing, courses, seminars on computer graphics, etc.

from 1982 to the present day, personally designed more than 8,500 books, brochures, advertising booklets, posters, calendars, accidental products for many dozens of publishing houses in Moscow (Nauka, MAIK, Vlados, Transport, Medicine, Monuments of historical thought, Istoki, KMK, GiS, Finance and statistics, Ves’ mir, Nedra, Flint, Don Quixote, Canon+ …). Many books, awarded the title of laureates, awarded certificates, diplomas, prizes, including the highest awards » Book Oscar».

Work experience: in the field of design of printed books since 1982; from 1989 to the present – NPO Akademizdattsentr «NAUKA» of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences

Organization profile: scientific book publishing

Position: Chief artist, head of the art Department design.

(from 1989 to 1998-senior art editor; from 1998 to 2001 – Deputy chief artist; 2001-present-Chief artist, head of the art design Department)



    Contact information

    34 Lavochkina St., Moscow, 125581
