Ekimova Ksenia Valeryevna

Vice-rector of the State University of Management. Doctor of Economics, Professor


South Ural state University, qualification: economist-Manager, specialty: «Economics and management at enterprises (in construction)», 1998

Academic degree, title, awards:

Doctor of Economics, Professor.


  1. Diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, 2016
  2. Certificate of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2015
  3. Diploma of the VEO of Russia for a great contribution to the activities of the Free economic society of Russia, aimed at strengthening the economic power and prosperity of the Motherland, 2015.


May 2018-Vice-rector of the State University of Management.

2016-2018-chief research officer-Director of the educational and scientific center «Economics and Finance» of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

2013-2016-head of the Department of the research Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

2011-2013-head of the Department of Financial management of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

2010-2011-Professor of Securities Department of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

1998-2010-assistant, senior lecturer, associate Professor, Professor, head of the Department of Economics and management of the South Ural state University.

The total experience of scientific and pedagogical work is 20 years.

Social activity

Deputy Chairman of the expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for economic Sciences.

Member of the Expert Council on financial literacy at the Bank of Russia.

Member of the Expert Council on significant market deviations at the Bank of Russia.

Scientific Secretary of the Public Council under the Committee on prices and tariffs of the Moscow region.

Expert of the Federal service for supervision of education and science (Rosobrnadzor) in the field of state accreditation of higher education institutions.


Has more than 120 publications.

H-index in the RSCI: 17

H-index according to Scopus: 3




    Contact information

    34 Lavochkina St., Moscow, 125581
